Friday, August 20, 2010

A Book of Me...

I've been working on this little toilet roll album and box to store it in, for the past three weeks... whenever Liam ( my 3 year old grandson ) is napping..I am also preparing a picture/tutorial based on this album that I will make available, once I am back in Canada in October..

I was so fortunate that I had some digitals with me, that I had scanned from some of my ancestry photographs, which I was able to use for this album...

The papers, including cardstock and epoxy stickers are from the S.E.I.'s BEAUTIFUL Moravia Collection ..

I have so few supplies with me here in Italy..papers,some stamps and fortunately a sewing shop not too far away, where I was able to purchase ribbon and embroidery floss...just goes to show you, eh??

The slideshow tutorial on how to make this type of album is shown here:


  1. My 11 year old wants to make a brag book for himself. How many tp rolls can you use in one little album? I'm not sure which type to make, one like the above or the brag book or ???


  2. What a wonderful project, I love it and yes it does go to show that do we really need all our supplies!!!
    Love ~ Lady Anne xxx
    "Anne's Paper Dream's Blog"

    1. Thank You...Hope it gave you some ideas for your next project..!
